
New Postdoc Position within the HUMAN-AI Alliance Program

The department of Psychology at Utrecht University has an opening for a Post-doctoral (2-years + 1 year optional) position: Psychology and Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work with Dr. Ruud Hortensius, Dr. Baptist Liefooghe and Prof. Henk Aarts (GOALLAB) on a research line detailing the psychological implications of human-centered artificial…

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Three collaborative Master student projects are funded by HUMAN-AI

A milestone for the educational objectives of the HUMAN-AI alliance program is achieved! In March 2020, we opened the first call for student research proposals as a way to simulate collaborations between the three institutes (UU, TU/e, UMCU) on the topic of autonomy in human-AI interactions. We received a lot of enthusiasm from both students…

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